Thursday, October 27, 2011


This week's articles are all about WebQuests. I remember doing WebQuests as far back as Elementary school. It was a time when I was new to computers as the up and coming technology and we did not own a computer at home; it was more or less a chance for me to explore and discover for myself what the world wide web was all about. Immediately, in the abstract in the article, A Good Teaching Technique: WebQuests, it stated that "the author first introduces and describes a new teaching tool called WebQuests to practicing teachers." (p. 109) After reading that statement I checked the copyright date and to my surprise I noticed that this article was from 2008. It surprised me in the fact that I had completed WebQuests at least ten years prior, so I was curious to know if WebQuests today were the same as when I completed them in Elementary school. I soon discovered that they described WebQuests exactly as I remember them as a student; following a set of specific instructions to gain knowledge in a particular area in a short amount of time. I can see how WebQuests are beneficial in the classroom, especially to help younger students who may be new to technology or even older students as a guide to help develop research skills in a set frame.

The second article, I Guess it was Pretty Fun: Using WebQuests in the Middle School Classroom, was similar to the first in regards to the fact that my basic understanding of WebQuests has not changed. It reiterate the fact that WebQuests are an increasing popular Internet tools used to help students in the classroom with research and technology skills. One thing I really liked about this article is the fact that it does not describe WebQuests as "busy work" which is one view point that can negatively affects its role in education. Helping students develop the right skills for find research on the Internet is a crucial skill that should be taught in school; seeking out good information over the bad (it reminds me of bad websites that are on the Internet to show students that just because it's on the Internet does not mean the information if right!!)

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